
Hi! I’m Shuyu, a PhD candidate in Geography and NASA FINESST Graduate Research Fellow at the Pennsylvania State University, advised by Dr. Kimberly Van Meter. I am expected to graduate in Spring 2025. Before my PhD study, I obtained my MSE in Water Resources Engineering from Johns Hopkins University and BS in Hydraulic and Hydropower Engineering with Highest Honours from the China Agricultural University. Here is my CV.

In my research, I strive to produce datasets and develop both process-based models and data-driven approaches to better quantify and enhance our understanding of the interactions and dynamics between hydrology and biogeochemistry, with the goal of supporting decision-making regarding water resources at various scales.

Selected Publications

  • Chang, S. Y., Ghahremani, Z., Manuel, L., Erfani, M., Shen, C., Cohen, S., Van Meter, K. J., Pierce, J. L., Meselha, Ehab., Goharian, E. (2024). The geometry of flow: Advancing predictions of river geometry with multi-model machine learning. Water Resources Research, 60(10), 036733. [DOI: 10.1029/2023WR036733]
  • Chang, S. Y., Zhang, Q., Byrnes, D. K., Basu, N. B., & Van Meter, K. J. (2021). Chesapeake legacies: The importance of legacy nitrogen to improving Chesapeake Bay water quality. Environmental Research Letters, 16(8), 085002. [DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac0d7b]


[Feb 2025] I was awraded the AGU’24 Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA). Checkout our pre-printed manuscript here ~ [DOI: 10.22541/au.172745845.52823366/v1] 🥳

AGU2024 Alaska River Temperature TalkAGU2024 Alaska River Temperature Talk Presentation

[Feb 2025] I attended and delivered a talk in Chesapeake Bay AI/ML Workshop at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC).

[Feb 2025] I delivered a departimental seminar to the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Penn State.

[Jan 2025] I attended and presented at the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting in New Orleans for the first time.

[Dec 2024] I went to AGU ‘24 in Washington DC. I gave an oral presentation and a poster presentation, met old friends, and made new connections!

[Oct 2024] I visited Franklin & Marshall College and delivered a guest lecture on “Dam and Nutrients in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed” 🎓

[Oct 2024] My first-author paper “The geometry of flow: Advancing predictions of river geometry with multi-model machine learning”, accepted to Water Resources Research, is now officially pressed at [DOI: doi.org/10.1029/2023WR036733]

[Oct 2024] My first-author manuscript, titled “Advancing Arctic River Temperature Predictions Using a Deep Learning Approach”, is now available as a preprint at [DOI: 10.22541/au.172745845.52823366/v1]

[Jun 2024] I served as the science lead and co-organized with Dr. Kimberly Van Meter the Chesapeake Water Summer Institute at the Pennsylvania State University. This two-week summer institute has successfully concluded. Our students gave a talk at the Chesapeake Community Research Symposium ‘24, in Annapolis, MD. Thanks everyone!

[Hello World] Woo-hoo! Setting up my first personal website 🥳.